The End of Inner Conflict

Unimaginable freedom is your own inherent birth right.

Living in absolute sincerity will reveal it to you.

Sincerity Uncompromised


SINCERITY UNCOMPROMISED explores the multi-layered relationship between spiritual awakening and psychological shadow work, both through Ameen’s own challenging ordeal of waking up, and – more universally – through his teachings.

Reading it brings the process of waking up closer to home. It will appeal to all who aspire to bring a more awakened awareness into their everyday lives.



“An awakened life means both spiritual freedom and human maturity.
Spiritual Freedom is the realization that your true identity is consciousness itself,
rather than just the body, the mind or the soul.
Human maturity is your capacity to manifest your true identity as consciousness with your body,
mind and soul. It is the art of translating oneness into daily life.”

Beyond our constant psychological struggle, loneliness, fear, confusion and doubt lies a state of absolute clarity, intimacy and well-being. This state has always already been yours…

Using time-tested practices like meditation, self-inquiry and shadow work, Ameen will guide you to recognize it as your own true nature. As you advance on your path, slowly but surely, the promising potential buried underneath your inner conflict will be liberated and begin to flourish.  And a world of untold possibilities will open up to you. Ameen is a teacher of nonduality, inspiring people to wake up and live from a non-separate intimacy with life.

For almost two decades, he has been guiding people from all over the world to realize their own true nature – the Self we continue to overlook, even though it is closer to us than our own heartbeat. Through public teaching, silent retreat and private sessions he draws us into our own depth and inspires us to live an awakened life – free from existential anxiety and inner restlessness.

Sincerity Uncompromised is a spiritual gem, which has the potential to become a classic in the realm of self-discovery. Ameen’s wisdom will easily connect with the mind and heart of any genuine seeker of truth. He is a powerful, authentic teacher – wise, subtle, deep, compassionate and accessible. Seek him out.”




“This book is a valuable resource to practitioners who long to explore deeper mystical realities, but are committed to living their insights amidst the challenges of daily life and relationship.”

Mariana Caplan, PhD. MFT

Author of “Yoga & Psyche: Integrating the Paths of Yoga and Psychology for Healing, Transformation, and Joy” and “Eyes Wide Open: Cultivating Discernment on the Spiritual Path”


“This beautiful book is a mustread for everybody who wants to find their inner jewel. 

Other than the depth of his spiritual awakening, which blessed him with true freedom, he also describes the remarkable process of awakening to his soul-nature – a rarely described development that moved him into a life of greater peace and wholeness. This book is unique in that it simply, yet powerfullytransmits the power of standing in your own truth.”

Patricia San Pedro

Emmy Award winner & author of “The Cancer Dancer – Healing one step at a time”


What a welcome breath of fresh air! Ameen’s Sincerity Uncompromised is the splendid voice of a spontaneously integral and integrative life-journey and teaching.

Saniel Bonder

Author of “Waking Down – Healing the Spirit/Matter Split” / Co-founder Human Sun Institute


“Sincerity Uncompromised is an engaging account of Erez Levitin’s path of awakening. This relevant and informative book looks at the practical implications of waking up in a modern world.

Ameen’s teachings seem practical and accessible. This book speaks to the value of shadow work and how it can enhance spiritual growth.

Cindy Lou Golin

C. L. Golin, PhD. Life Coach


“A book that could and should become a classic of post -post -modern spirituality. It really gets us beyond the starting point -namely waking up.”

John Dupuy

Founder of Integral Recovery and Author of “A Revolutionary Approach to the Treatment of Alcoholism”, 2013 USA Best Book Award

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True Freedom – Ameen insists – is everyone’s inherited birth right. It does not depend on a certain lifestyle, or spiritual or religious affiliation. The way to realize it is through meeting daily life with sincerity and mindful presence.